Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Atheism Pages

I found this well-structured argument about what it would take to convert an atheist to a theist. Actually, in disguise, it outlines exactly why atheists find religion and religion texts as a basis for faith to be illogical.

In particular, the argument on scientific information in a religious text that is unambiguous and beyond the knowledge of the writers at the time is particularly strong. If Jesus had rambled on about quantum mechanics instead of fishes and loaves, I'd still be Catholic (probably a nun to boot).

There is also a companion article that discusses how to argue with an atheist (written from an annoyed atheist perspective). Of particular note is the following passage:

The problem is not that atheists are inherently more difficult to communicate with productively, but that there are many religious organizations that persist in actively spreading misinformation about atheism. These groups are not interested in an open debate or an impartial comparison of the facts; their goal is to retain members by casting the alternatives in a poor light. They have no incentive to give the opposing viewpoint a fair hearing, just as a commercial touting the benefits of a product is not going to objectively list the strengths of its competitors. While these tactics may help keep members in line by convincing them that the alternatives are unpalatable, they often fail utterly when used against real atheists; many believers have found to their surprise and chagrin that we are not the arrogant, amoral misanthropes their preachers have told them we are.

I think this goes far to explain why atheists are mistrusted and demonized.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Codex- Consumers BEWARE!

This video below is one of the scariest I have ever seen!

It talks about an international group named Codex. Under the disguise of protecting consumers from themselves, they want to regulate all supplements. They want some banned, some RDAs (recommended daily allowances) lowered, and some under prescription. This has started to happen in other countries. All these regulations do is protect the drug companies and give is consumers no rights to care for themselves. We will be losing freedom in our own personal health!

I also (from the above page) found this lovely site about many issues, including the one above.

I am so glad to see, in one centrally located spot, so much good info. Mar this could be a great place to look at when you need ideas on what to write about here.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Well, I didn't know what to do with this one...

...So I just decided to have a bit of fun. (and do something other than debate)

Before I do much else, I'd just like to point out that the name Gertrude has two r's - count 'em. (unless, of course, that's how Gertie likes it)

Okay, now I was a little lost about what to debate (more like argue) in this blog post, (Mary-post?) so I'm asking you -passer by blogger- to give me an idea in the form of a comment.
Just comment; it's not that hard. Gertie, Polly, or I will take what you have to say into consideration and possibly debate that topic that you've oh-so-gracefully suggested. Wouldn't it be fun to see your topic debated here? You could show your friends!

Another piece of my fun would be to commemorate the person who drew my and Gertie's (Polly drew her own because she's special) pictures. This person happens to be Akane and I really like the picture he drew for me. Namely because it features a character, who looks almost nothing like me, in my "stoner hat." (and no, the name doesn't come from experiences I've had with it) I really like that hat. (you can comment about my 'stoner hat' if you like)

I have nothing else to randomly say or do or anything, so please give me an idea or two (like the number of r's in the name Gertrude) about what to debate so that you don't see this kind of post again.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Is There Truly Something Wrong With That?

Is there something truly wrong with being an Atheist? I mean, it is a free country so why are we treated differently for having this religion? I think there are enough of us to the point when you ask us our religion and we say Atheist it shouldn't be unnerving or frowned upon or followed by the stupid question, "Why are you an Atheist?" I loath when they ask why I'm an Atheist, especially in that, "Oh you must be hurt; God bless you," sort of way. Why would I want God to bless me if I DON'T EVEN BELIEVE HE FRIGGIN' EXISTS!?!?!

I don't know... I guess I'm just pissed after getting asked, "why are you an Atheist?" too many times last week.

Anyways, here are some questions for you to answer in a MySpace Bulletin sort of way. (Just write the number of the question and then your answer.)

Why do you think Atheists today are treated differently for not having faith?

What do you think we could do to help Atheists stop being treated this way?

Answer this one very truthfully: Would you have seen God if no one had told you about him/her?

(From above question) If not, then why do you see him/her now?

(From above question) Do you understand why we don't believe now?

Example for an answered question 1:

(1) Because so many people now-a-days have religions. But when they come across someone that doesn't see the "spiritual fourth dimension" it's hard for them to understand.