Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Well, I didn't know what to do with this one...

...So I just decided to have a bit of fun. (and do something other than debate)

Before I do much else, I'd just like to point out that the name Gertrude has two r's - count 'em. (unless, of course, that's how Gertie likes it)

Okay, now I was a little lost about what to debate (more like argue) in this blog post, (Mary-post?) so I'm asking you -passer by blogger- to give me an idea in the form of a comment.
Just comment; it's not that hard. Gertie, Polly, or I will take what you have to say into consideration and possibly debate that topic that you've oh-so-gracefully suggested. Wouldn't it be fun to see your topic debated here? You could show your friends!

Another piece of my fun would be to commemorate the person who drew my and Gertie's (Polly drew her own because she's special) pictures. This person happens to be Akane and I really like the picture he drew for me. Namely because it features a character, who looks almost nothing like me, in my "stoner hat." (and no, the name doesn't come from experiences I've had with it) I really like that hat. (you can comment about my 'stoner hat' if you like)

I have nothing else to randomly say or do or anything, so please give me an idea or two (like the number of r's in the name Gertrude) about what to debate so that you don't see this kind of post again.


Polly said...

Hey Mar,

Thanks for noticing the type-o. It is fixed now.

Gertie said...

I'm thinking about changing my name to Gerrrtrude. And you'd have to say it like a growl. Gerrr-trude. Then I could boast 4 r's.

Oh yeah, love the hat Mar. Isn't that the one you knitted yourself? My brother loved knitting when he was a teenager. It's a great way to develop spatial awareness and dexterity (great for the video game skillz).

Mar said...

I wonder when someone other than us is going to comment... I hope they have a good idea for me.