Thursday, March 15, 2007

Codex- Consumers BEWARE!

This video below is one of the scariest I have ever seen!

It talks about an international group named Codex. Under the disguise of protecting consumers from themselves, they want to regulate all supplements. They want some banned, some RDAs (recommended daily allowances) lowered, and some under prescription. This has started to happen in other countries. All these regulations do is protect the drug companies and give is consumers no rights to care for themselves. We will be losing freedom in our own personal health!

I also (from the above page) found this lovely site about many issues, including the one above.

I am so glad to see, in one centrally located spot, so much good info. Mar this could be a great place to look at when you need ideas on what to write about here.


Gertie said...

Polly, I'm sorry, I just don't find that site credible. There is definitely an argument that the FDA is in the pocket of big pharma, afterall, it's the drug companies that pay the FDA to test new drugs. That connection should definitely be unlinked.

However, there still needs to be a regulating body. We should not be willy-nilly taking untested or poorly tested drugs and supplements simply for the sake of choice. The claims that supplement manufacturers often make about their products are based on heresay, anecdote, and speculation. They are in the game for profit as well! If a supplement manufacturer can quote independent research that isn't funded by them, a manuafacturer coalition, or other interested parties, it would go a long way to giving them credibility.

Mar said...
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